Carrot Cream Soup – The Best:)

Carrot Cream Soup – The Best:)

Carrot Cream Soup:


Carrots large 2 – diced
Whole milk 4 cups
All purpose flour 1/2 table spoon
Butter 1 cube
Pepper powder to taste.


Boil carrots in one cup of milk, and puree them. Set aside.

Melt butter, add salt and flour…stir-fry briefly and then add 3 cups of milk. Bring this to boil, further add the puree. Once it is bubbling hot, remove from heat.

Garnish with pepper, serve warm.


10 Responses so far.

  1. Mouth watering soup.. looks nice and delicious !!
    Indian Cuisine

  2. wow…soup looks so creamy n delicious!

  3. Chitra says:

    Thank you for the recipe.

  4. Nithya says:

    Creamy and really delicious. I love carrots in anything and especially in soup :)

  5. Priya says:

    Soup looks soo creamy and wonderful..

  6. GEETHA ACHAL says:

    Wonderful recipe….Thanks for sharing…

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