Homemade Potato Chips Are The Best
- 01
- August
- 2020

Homemade Potato Chips are the best. – Thara My weekend routine started as usual this morning — grocery shopping! Its almost like, taking a vacation to do a peaceful shopping (alone) these days!! I secretly do enjoy it. But, somehow…I kind of forgot to buy my little one’s favorite snack (Jalapeno flavored Kettle cooked chips)! She […]
Mini Chappathi Sandwich – Leftover Magic
- 03
- July
- 2020

We know that not all foods make a great leftovers. But, sometimes…the best meal is one made out of leftovers. Many of my recipes do specifically call for a day old ingredients. Yep, in fact…fried rice tastes good, when we use a day old cold rice from the refrigerator. Many dishes – this way we […]
Mutton-Potato Korma – The Predictable Platter
- 30
- July
- 2014

I have got this weird idea of pairing the meat with whatever vegetables I come across! My hands can never repeat the item I have experimented, twice in a row!! So, there is no predictability in my kitchen! Absolutely…off the hook!!! However, there are some occasions, I go by the plan, you see! Do, follow […]
Spicy Masala Fries – Anyone?
- 28
- May
- 2013

Also Known As Indo French Fries. Finger Chips. Potato Fries, Freedom Fries, Curried Fries. Spicy Masala Fries. Lately, I have been obsessed with fusion cooking! I know, I haven’t shown any proof to you all for this claim, yet! Well, in the process, I have discovered a short cut for Indianizing everything that comes to […]
Aloo Bhindi Subzi – Dare to Pair
- 20
- March
- 2013

For someone as enamored of Indian cooking as myself, it is rather surprising that I seriously omitted posting some of the best recipes that I cook everyday! On a busy weeknight, its my go to dish. I will vary the vegetables depending on what is available. Some of the pairings are the absolute winners, so […]
Imli ka Aloo / Roasted Baby Potatoes
- 23
- April
- 2012
Urulaikizhangu Varuval Whenever I choose to cook something traditional (well ‘traditional’ is a very fragile term)! Anyway…whenever, I fix my childhood comfort meals, the cooking experiment turns out good! Then, I just can’t stop talking ‘…my Mom is the best’. I bet everyone’s mother are! I wonder, what is that…I exactly do for the grand […]
Crunchy Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
- 22
- November
- 2011

Home Made Potato Chips: This is one of my oldest recipe in the draft…that I failed to publish! Well, the picture may be bit amateurish, but you know what? The chips were indeed ‘super-crunch’! Yep, I sliced them extremely thin as possible using a sharp vegetable peeler and fried them in hot oil, just few […]
Baby Potatoes Fry – South Indian Style
- 13
- September
- 2011

Urulai-Kizhangu Kari: Ingredients: Baby potatoes 5-7 boiled, peeled Green chilies 3 chopped Onion 1 large chopped Garlic 4 cloves crushed Ginger 2″ grated Tomato 1 large chopped Salt Turmeric 1/2 spoon Chili powder 1 spoon Curry leaves few Thalippu Vadam 1-2 spoons Mustard seeds 1 spoon Cumin seeds 1/2 spoon Asafoetida 1 pinch Sesame oil […]
Baby Potato & Bell Peppers Masala
- 07
- August
- 2011

Alu-Simla Mirchi ka Curry: Other Names: Urulai Kizhangu – Kudai Milagai Masala Kuzhambu. Baby potato – Capsicum Masala. It has been a while’ I cooked with great energy…severe carpal tunnel syndrome:( My wrist hurts like nobody’s business! I have been managing somehow’ to flip and flop few things in the kitchen…and surprisingly, this turned out […]

Baby Potatoes Korma: Other Names: Urulaikizhangu Kurma. Aloo Korma. My Mom’s style of cooking is pretty good, but with quite standard predictable kind of menu. As my Dad doesn’t like surprises at the dinner table, she never attempted anything adventurous in the kitchen! Though my Mom handed down a bunch of authentic specialty recipes to […]
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