Lousy Carrot Cake

Lousy Carrot Cake

Lousy Carrot Cake:

People who knew me…know this very well, I am a lousy baker! When it comes to baking, I am chicken! Making cake, bread, cookies is a real challenge for me. I always seek help from my friend Tina….who is even worse than me in cooking! Each time she comes up with an excuse to buy the finished product! Anyhow, on the other day…she asked me to try that cake mix brand (which is almost done)! Afterall, makes sense…why not try that before attempting a cake from scratch!!! So here you go…thus I formed this concrete Cake!:) Though the taste was kind of okay (what okay?)…but I ruined it to the core, while icing (I can hear you all screaming What Icing??)


Whatever your brand claims to sneak in!


Whatever your brand ask you to do!


3 Responses so far.

  1. Pari Gandhi says:

    looking forward to see a banana cake soon. i love it.

  2. Malar Gandhi says:

    O really! I never know that! You could count on Banana Pudding tho!

  3. hahahaha, Malar, this kind of adventures happen to all; you’re not alone dear!!!

    but yennadhhan irundhaalum unnoda carrot cake-a yaarum addikka mudiyaadhu, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh!!!!

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