The botanical name of this plant is Aloe barbadenensis. The Aloe vera is one of the oldest known therapatic herb and is reowned world wide as a healing plant. It is first mentioned in Egyptian scripst ‘Papyrus Ebers’ in 1550. They used it for embalming. Aloe vera is supposedly used to embalm the body of christ! Greek Historian Diocorides and Roman Naturalist Pliny has recommended Aloe vera about 2000 yeras ago…..for skin irritations, kidney problms, burns,constipation, war wounds and bruises…..and much more! The Hindus call it as ‘Silent Healer’ and Chinese say ‘Harmony Remedy’.
The Aloe leaves have this bitter tasting yellow latex right under their outer skin. This latex contains an anthroquinone barbaloin, which is activated by the intestinal flora and acts as an laxative. The aloe juice is administered for severe constipation. It should not be consumed regularly….as it depletes elctrolytes from the body and can cuse muscle weakness(it can make uncontrollable bowel spasms).
Aloe Medical Value:
A polysaccharide in it called ‘g;ucomannan….works as an anti-inflammatory! Aloctin A has immune system stimulating & anti-tumor properties. Other parts shows some anti-viral properties. The salicylic acid (found in asprin) and magnesium thought to work
together as an analgesic effect on burns. It not only reduces pain, promotes cell regeneration and reduses scar significantly. Since it has the ability to balance pH….it increases digestin and effective absorption. And therefore improves immune system. It can be treated for liver stregthening!
Latest study report says….ot appears that acemannon neutralizes the (AIDS)virus by transforming its protein envelop, thus preventing it from attaching itself to the T4 cells.The other study shows(only tested on Animals right now)….it can prevent and even arret arthritis and improve wound healing. It inhibits pain, block inflammation and restore bone growth(Amazing).
To Grow this Plant: Grow outside in your gardent han indoors(I have seen people having it indoors). Outdoor plants said to have more nutrients than indoors. More the sunlight more the nutri power!
Aloe Vera juice 1 cup
Lemon juice 1 cup
Cold sparkling water 4 cups
Sugar to taste
Mix all the above together in a jar. Chill and serve as breakfast drink.
It is not suggested immediately after heavy meals.
Taking in empty stomach can create mild irritation to the inner wall!
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