I am on short Vacation & Plagiarism Once Again
- 12
- August
- 2009
Sorry for disappearing without prior notice…
I am on short vacation to India, will be back soon gals! Y’ll keep rocking in the kitchen!! Miss blogging so much!!!
Thanks for your lovely enquiries.
An anonymous friend said, my work has been copied, pictures cropped and duplicated in one of the blog…aaah heck with it, will come back and look into it! Thanks a lot for your concern. I am kind of used to this these days.
See this above link here, my picture has been copied! Pirandai thuvaiyal picture…belongs to me!
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Have fun in India.
oh sorry to hear about it….any way have a nice vacation.mine was also 2 days back on a site…..with slight change……got used with hearing others experience.Hey malar missing ur non.veg.recipes told about ur site to one of my friend who likes to make non.veg.
Hey Malar,I was about to write you..nice of you to remember.Since yesterday I was talking to one of my friends at Chennai and he was trying to be smart with me blabbering about “iruttukada” and murugan ‘milagai podi’,I said am familiar with both from my friend Malar.lol..he told me oh these girls are too smart now a days whereever they are !! lol again..and his soliloquy gone like this “so,i must stop blabbering about Chennai now..” haha..
Malar,how are you doin there ? swetlering summer at chennai.right ? how about everyone at home ? having all those specials from your kitchen ? enjoy and do come with unique recipes with me..
Travel Safe
Take care dear! Miss u so much.
Enjoy India!
Oh pity.. another plagist.. Y won’t they stop! Exhausting to think! Anyways we’ll tk cr of that! You take a good vacation dear! Hope to see you back soon!
hey ..you are in India!!!
Have a fun trip dear:) and really sad to hear about plagiarism.
Sorry to hear abt that again,anyway enjoy ur vacation…
U r right Malar,i just checked..c her jungle cake pic and this http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.partypieces.co.uk/public/pictures/products/standard/5304.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.partypieces.co.uk/product/party%2Bfood_birthday%2Bcakes_birthday%2Bcake%2Bkits/5304.htm&usg=__UG8Xly1moj7YQrTTCfY9WcZcIVU=&h=252&w=252&sz=25&hl=en&start=65&sig2=OhCqNNTaZbjffllYY9DvBw&tbnid=2P4PXMOU8aTkkM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djungle%2Bcake%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D60&ei=1BWESpThF-GymQfois3DBg
Malar, Now she is not having the photo.
I have seen mango chutney photo some where else… may be Usha nandhini’s? lets chk..
Take a look at the tamil recipes there…http://www.samayalblog.com/index.php/veg/puli-satham
Let’s discuss later:)
I have a doubt….Are they / she doing it without knowing the purpose and pain in blogging?
Dear Malar
Have a great time in India.
Sorry to hear someone has copied your work.
Ana x
Dear Friends,
Thanks for your concern and kind wishes.
Yep, as Sailaja said…used to these sort of people!
You all stay vigilant and enjoy blogging days…will catch up with you all soon.
malar, thanks for sharing this. Found one of my pictures there as well! So frustrating.
enjoy your vacation!!
Not again! thanks for the heads up Malar.
You have a great time at home
Thanks for letting know dear.. even my chicken curry picture was stolen and put as bachelor chicken @ http://www.samayalblog.com/index.php/easy-and-quick-bachelors-recipes/bachelors-chicken
I have commented to her.. will see if she takes it out!
Hey malar!
How have u been? so sorry I wasnt in touch with any of my blogger friends. Been so busy with the new lifestyle. Guess u r in India now.Have fun girlie!
Have fun in India, so sorry to hear about the plagiarism, it never seems to end does it ?
When you will be back from ur vacation malar…sometimes come here to whts cooking and wht gets is u r still vacationing
okay njoyyyyyy
Hi malar dear.. do check my blog for ur award!
Oh thats bad…I think she took it down. Do enjoy your vacations and have a fun trip!