My Most Favorite Books Of All Time
Books |
Authors |
Indian Food – A Historical Companion | K.T.Achaya |
Curry – A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors | Lizze Collingham |
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus | John Gray |
The Mughal Harem | K.S.Lal |
The Empire of the Great Mughal | Annemarie Schimmel, Burzine K. Waghmar |
Royal Mughal Ladies | Soma Mukherjee |
Fast Food Nation: the dark side of the American meal | Eric Schlosser |
History and Social Influence of the Potato | R.N. Salaman |
The Tomato in America: early history, culture and cookery | Andrew F. Smith |
Secrets of Saffron:The Vagabond Life of the World’s Most Seductive Spice | Pat Willard |
Salt: A world history | Mark Kurlansky |
History of rice in India:mythology, culture, and agriculture | Tuk Tuk Kumar |
The True History of Chocolate | Sophie D.Coe, Michael D.Coe |
Swindled – food fraud | Bee Wilson |
Vanilla: the cultural history of the world’s most popular flavor and fragrance | Patricia Rain |
Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche | Bruce Feirstein |
Men, Meat and Marriage: models of masculinity | Jeffery Sobel |
Anthropology of Food: the social dynamic of food security | Johan Pottier |
Ancestral Appetite: Food in Prehistory | Kristen J. Gremillion |
Uncommon Grounds: the history of coffee and how it transformed our world | Mark Pendergrast |
Ecological Imperialism | Alfred W. Crosby |
Germs, Seeds and Animals | Alfred W. Crosby |
Food and Culture: a reader | Carole Counihan |
The Hive | Bee Wilson |
The Anthropology of Food and Body: gender, meaning, and power | Carole Counihan |
Food and Gender | Stevie L.Kaplan |
Food for Thought: essays on eating and culture | Lawrence C. Rubin |
The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective | Arjun Appadurai |
The Eternal Food: Gastronomic ideas and experiences of Hindus and Buddhists | Ravindra S. Khare |
Purity and Danger: an analysis of concept of pollution and taboo | Mary Douglas |
Cooking, Cuisine and Class: a study in comparative sociology | Jack Goody |
Food and Love: a cultural history of East and West | Jack Goody |
Food and Globalization: consumption, markets and politic in the modern world | Alexander Nutzenadel |
The Hindu Hearth and Home | Ravindra S. Khare |
Feasts, Fasts, Famine: food for thought | Pat Caplan, Patricia Kaplan |
Everyone Eats: understanding food and culture | Eugene Newton Anderson |
Steve Jobs | Watter Isaacson |
Guns, Germs, Steel | Jared Diamond |
The Third Chimpanzee | Jared Diamond |
Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed | Jared Diamond |
Omnivore’s Dilemma | Michael Pollan |
In Defense of Food | Michael Pollan |
The Botany of Desire | Michael Pollan |
Our Kind – Who we are, Where we came from and Where we are going | Marvin Harris |
Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches: The Riddles of Culture | Marvin Harris |
Good to Eat – Riddles of Food and Culture | Marvin Harris |
Cannibals and Kings | Marvin Harris |
Cultural Anthropology | Marvin Harris |
Anatomy of Love | Helen Fisher |
Why We Love – The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love | Helen Fisher |
Dinner with a Cannibal | Carole A Travis Henikoff |
A Natural History of the Senses | Diane Ackerman |
How Cooking Made us Human – Catching Fire | Richard Wrangham |
Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom | Sidney Mintz |
Sweetness and Power: the place of sugar in modern history | Sidney Mintz |
On Food and Cooking – The Science and Lore of the Kitchen | Harold McGee |
CookWise | Shirley O. Corriher |
Eating for Beauty | David Wolfe |
Sexy Women Eat | Divya Gugnani |
The Undercover Economist | Tim Harford |
The Raw and the Cooked -Mythologiques | Claude Levi Strauss |
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