Culinary Astrology – Birth Star and Diet!

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Most Indians are highly dependent on Astrology for all the important decisions and events in their life. Indian marriages do not take place without a detailed consultation with one’s family astrologer. Now, don’t look at me like that…things are different in my home-country. Just like the way people have family doctors, most of us in […]

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Native Green Leafy Vegetables – Pictorial Dictionary

  English Botanical Name Tamil Hindi Telugu Solanum trilobatum Thoodhuvalai Centella asiatica Valaarai Brahmi Bacoba monnieri Neer Brahmi Eclipta prostrata Kasini Keerai Bhringaraj Wedelia chinenisis Manjal Karisilankanni Red Sorrel, Roselle Hibiscus cannabinus Pulicha Keerai Gongura Amaranth Tender Thandu Keerai Arai Keerai Siru Keerai Chota Thota Kura Baloon Vines Cardosperm halicacabum Mudakathaan Keerai Agathi Keerai Pala […]

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