Pan-Fried Bitter Melon / Pavakkai Varuval

Pan-Fried Bitter Melon / Pavakkai Varuval

Is “bitter” the forgotten taste? We all know sweet, salt, sour and bitter – where did these go? Do, we really consume bitter? I have become really intrigued by bitters as of late. Whether it be my morning black coffee or my secret treat – dark chocolate…bitter does its role!

If you want to enjoy the gut benefits of bitters, its quite simple – east more bitter foods. Beyond acting as a tonic to digestive system; bitter foods have been shown to help blood glucose level.

Lockdown - camera (2nd part)


  • 5 -7 bitter melon, sliced
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil


In a wide wok, heat oil. Add sliced bitter melon to it, cover and cook briefly. After few minutes, add salt and sugar to it. Cover and cook for few more minutes. Then, add turmeric and chili powders to this. Now, stir-fry them over medium heat until crisp and crunchy.


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