Pistha Mittai

Pistha Mittai

Pistachios Candy:

Pistha Halwa. Pista Halwa. Pista Candy.

Pistachios nuts 1 bowl full
Milk 1 cup
Sugar 1 bowl full
Ghee 1 cup.


Soak shelled nuts in luke warm water for 20-30 minutes. Then peel their fine skin.

Blend this nuts with milk to a thick puree.

In a non-stick pan add ghee. Try to maintain the whole process on low flame only.

Now add sugar and 1/2 cup of water….bring the syrup to pearl consistency.

To this syrup…add pista paste. Constant stirring with well greased wooden spatula is advised. Better smear the spatula with ghee before hand.

Once the Halwa consistency is achieved transfer it to well greased container. Smear the container preferably with ghee.

The shelf life is more than a month. If refrigerated it stay long till 3-4 months.

One could serve this halwa…well chilled! Or candy them out to your desired shapes. I guess pop-in size is a big here….


7 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    super malar.

  2. Anonymous says:

    is this olives or apples? nice do with kirambu.

  3. Priya says:

    Cute pista halwas…looks delicious…

  4. Jaishree says:

    Hi malar, Pista candy looks so gud ,yum & delicious.and diff ..nice one…

  5. G.Pavani says:

    i never thought we can make this type of dish with Pistachios ..it looks yummy

  6. Purva Desai says:

    Nice presentation….candy looks tempting..

    A sweet surprise is waiting for u, collect it from my blog…

  7. Pista halwas are looking great they look just like real Pears and apples…

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