Saffron Infused Basanthi

Saffron Infused Basanthi

Baasanthi:(Version 1)

Basanthi. Basanti. Saffron Baasanthi. Creamy Indian Dessert.


Whole milk 2 litres
Sugar 3/4 cup
Saffron few strands


In a heavy bottomed vessel, heat milk over medium heat. Do not stir them.

Each time when milk forms thin cream layer…..try to have them(paal aadai in Tamil), using a wooden spatula. Each time…gather the cream formed above carefully and store them in a seperate bowl.

Let the milk reduce into 1/4 of its intial content. Now stir in sugar and saffron. Continue boiling.

Once they are ruduced and look perfect, add the gathered cream/aadai to it. Let them boil for 5 more minutes.

Refridgerate the same. Serve chilled as a dessert.


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