Sukku-Malli Kaapi

Sukku-Malli Kaapi

Also Known as: Sukku-Malli Coffee, Tamizhar StyleSukku Kaapi. Sukku Coffee. Sukku Tea. Sukku Chaya. Ginger-Dhania Tea.

This recipe goes to Priya Mitharwal’s event : Healthy Me & Healthy Us



Dry ginger(sukku) 1/2 cup
Black pepper 1/2 cup
Coriander seeds 1 cup
Cardamon seeds 1/4 cup

Serving – Ingredients:

Sugar/palm sugar(karuppati)2 spoons
Milk 1 cup(optional)
Ghee 1-2 drops.


Sun dry all the above mentioned ingredients. Then blend the same into fine powder.

Serving Suggestions:

1. Heat 1/2 cup of water. Add sugar/karruppati and 2 spoons of above blended powder. Bring it to boil. Filter the same. Serve the supernatant. Drizzle few drops of ghee on top.

2. To 1/4 cup of warm water, add sugar + 2 spoons of above prepared powder. Bring them to boil. Filter the same.To this supernatant add a cup of warm milk. Serve steaming hot.

This is one of the refreshing tea/coffee I ever had. Very aromatic indeed. I believe its healthy and aids digestion.

Carolina Cooking326


One Response so far.

  1. shama says:

    welcome back malar …..lovely space. yummy cofee

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