Vendhaya Sambhar / Menthilu Sambar / Fenugreek Seeds Sambhar

Vendhaya Sambhar / Menthilu Sambar / Fenugreek Seeds Sambhar

Vendhaya Sambar:(Tamizhar Style)

Fenugreek Seeds Sambar. Fenugreek Seeds-Lentils Soup. Methi Sambar. Menthi Sambar.

Folks Remedy:

The seeds of fenugreek are used medicinally. Esp’ diabetes(Take 1 spoon full of seeds and swallow with water early in the morning)! Its also body coolant(make sambar or swallow with water)! It helps to lower the temperature. It can be a solution for dry scalp, dandruff(soak the seeds and make a thick paste…apply to your scalp and rinse only after 20 minutes).

Boring Details:

Fenugreek seeds contain alkaloids (mainly trigonelline) and protein high in lysine and L-tryptophan. Its steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin) and mucilaginous fiber are thought to account for many of the beneficial effects of fenugreek. The steroidal saponins are thought to inhibit cholesterol absorption and synthesis. While the fiber may help to lower blood sugar levels. So Fenugreek can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in people with moderate atherosclerosis and non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes. Since Fenugreek lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, it is also interesting that fenugreek does not lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels.


Fenugreek Seeds 1 small cup full – soaked overnight (or 2 or more days till it sprouts)
Thuvar dal 1 cup
Large white Onions 2 sliced
Country tomatoes 3 chopped into chunks
Turmeric powder ¼ spoon
Chili powder 1 spoon
Coriander seeds powder 1 spoon
Sambar powder 2 spoons(preferably freshly home made)
Tamarind paste ¼ spoon dissolved in ¼ cup of water
Oil few spoons
Mustard seeds ½ spoon
Cumin seeds ½ spoon
Chana dal ½ spoon
Urad dal ½ spoon
Asafoetida ½ spoon
Green chilies 3 slitted
Curry leaves 1 cup

For Decoration:

Coconut grated few spoons
Coriander leaves 1 cup.


Either soak fenugreek overnight or more than 2 days(if you prefer sprouted ones).Then mash it with simple kitchen pestle or using a back of a spatula.

Cook Thuvar dal with 1 cup of water, salt plus few spoons of oil in a pressure cooker. Maybe till the dal is soft. (3-5 whistle sounds)

Bring oil in wok, heat over medium range. Add mustard and cumin to it. Let it pop and splutter well.

Add chana and urad dal….fry for few seconds. Add asafetida, curry leaves and green chilies. Fry for few more minutes.

Now stir in onion and fry till golden brown. Followed by soaked and mashed fenugreek seeds. Add salt, turmeric, chi and coriander seeds powder at this point. Fry them real good.

Add cooked thuvar dal and chopped tomatoes too. Bring this to boil or till the fenugreek seeds are done soft.

Now add sambar powder, tamarind juice grated coconut and coriander leaves. Bring this to boil once and then remove from stove.

Serve warm along with steam cooked rice. Its perfect choice during rainy yucky days or after recovering from a fever. Its one the best ‘body coolant recipe’ I know! Never hesitate to try this!


6 Responses so far.

  1. Asha says:

    I love love love it!!:)) Thank you so much for the recipe Malar!

  2. Malar Gandhi says:

    Thanks for your kind words Asha. Will see you around.

  3. Sharmi says:

    hi Malar, Wish you my belated Puthandu anlvazthukkal. Its long time since I visited ur blog. your Vengaya sambar and methi biriyani recipes sound great. will come back for more.

  4. Malar Gandhi says:

    Thank you Sharmi!

    Hey Pari that is different ra…its vendhaya sambar! Yeah I did post that Vandikara Sambar to…scroll back or better search it in my blog!

  5. SuzieDsouza says:

    Try the potato and Fenugreek seeds curry, it is just yummy.

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