There is this strange blog follower of mine. Lets call her Mrs.Question! Who shoots questions at me every single day. All her emails are written with more question marks than the actual letters, I mean. I am well-prepared for it now a days. So, am not surprised when I see questions, questions and more questions. For example: If she got a real doubt about ‘how to find the quality asafoetida in the market, for which I would have responded sincerely using all my Google-educated knowledge plus tips from my great-grandmother. Then, she wouldn’t stop there…from there comes the another series of questions! I don’t know how she does it. She can actually make several questions from each reply email of mine. So, by the time there are about 12-17 thread email clarification from my side. There would be a new post (damn me) and she gets much more ideas of questioning me again!!! Its like a never ending race. I remember giving more than 14 replies on how to crush sesame seeds! This is one of those moment, when I felt ” Life would have been far better, if I never blogged!”. Wish, I had this kind of inquisitive nature back during my school days. Boy, am tired, really tired…freaking tired! Above all…the sad part is, she is never convinced at any point. If I suggest to toast the nuts before blending in one of my thousand recipes, she would expect me to give explanation for such act!! Well, if you haven’t figured it yet…I took her from my subscription list! But, the question rain has not yet stopped.
Ingredients & Method
Organic whole milk, a liter or so…the each time you intend to collect cream…which will be roughly for about 10-15 days! Boil milk and simmer it down for a decent time. Do you a thin film of cream collecting on top…leave this alone to cool down. You will notice it even thicker…now, collect the same and refrigerate it. One need to do this procedure at least twice or more the each day, continuously for 10-15 days or until you have some fair amount of cream. Finally whisk and puree them up to a fine cream. Add to your favorite dishes & enjoy.
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