Salmon Fry

Salmon Fry

Salmon Fry:

I have always highlighted about Omega-3 fatty acid in my recipes(found in fatty fish like Salmon). One more entry here! Reddening of eyes, Eye irritation, blurred vision and sensitivity to light could be ‘Dry Eye Syndrome(DES)’. The underlying problem for these symptoms is lack of tears to properly lubricate the eyes! Besides medical treatments natural remedies can offer long-term support. Eating more Omega-3!!! These fatty acids helps to manage symptoms by reducing inflammation.


Salmon fillets 6-8
Onion 1 small bulb
Ginger 2″
Garlic 3-4 beads
Tomato 1 small
Lemon juice 4 spoons
Ripe Red chilies 4-6
Oil for shallow frying

To Garnish:

Onion slices
Lemon slices
Tomato slices
Cilantro leaves.


Blend all the above said ingredients together(except oil and salmon). Now marinate fish in this. Maybe overnight or at least 6 hours.

Shallow fry in oil. Or bake or grill as per your fish.

Sprinkle chat masala on top. Serve warm as a side dish.


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