Oreo Milk Shake – Got Milk?

Oreo Milk Shake – Got Milk?

There are number of foods from our childhood days, that we tend to forget and enjoy as adults! It is still vague, when we actually stop certain foods and switch to this vicious magic grown-up world!! Well…it appears to me like Lakshman Rekha…once we stepped out of this line, that’s it…there is no coming back. :( And, whenever we chanced upon such great foods…it certainly stirs up our memoirs, transports us to our nostalgia past; and the cravings begins for those carefree life, innocence and busting enthusiasm. ♥

All this aside…yet, there are few of us left, the minorities! Totally ignoring the fact of those gone years and act n behave as though nothing has happened to us!  And claim that the earth stood “still” ♥ Yep, like they say…old habits die hard, we couldn’t give up anything that is comforting and fun. :) Carolina Cooking 432

Personally, I couldn’t get over with this milk, milk and more milk!  Besides, those crazy list of Milk Sweets in my blog, which deserves an another post! I think, I can go all day long on this anecdote!! Though my drinking habit is limited to two cups per day and the recipes have been greatly altered over the years…but it didn’t really hold me against it. :(

Well…I have been ragged, belittled and called by names for choosing milk over other fun-filled chick’s drinks. :( But, nothing stopped me from diving into this divine drink. In fact, milk is the only food that is designed to be a food by nature. And, for your information…American government supports my decision. :)


  • 2 oreo cookies
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp oval-tine


Blend all the above mentioned items together till frothy. Serve chilled. Can be topped with crumbled oreo cookies.


7 Responses so far.

  1. any time is orea time in my house, making it milkshake and top it with vanilla ice cream, my kids love it, they also love that long wafer cookie too.

  2. Suja Md says:

    Oreo milk shake…wow..best way to make the kiddos to go for milk!!!

  3. Great way to enjoy your milk rather than the plain one…

  4. Delicious, love oreo so no stopping…
    Very beautiful clicks…

  5. Nilu A says:

    My son will surely love it as he is crazy for oreo cookies :-)

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