Dilkush Mixture – Home Made Mixture

Dilkush Mixture – Home Made Mixture

DilKush Mixture:Savory Chivda.


Potato 2 large
Saboodana/Jawarisi 1 fistful
Rice flakes/Pohe/Poha/Aval 1/4 cup
Peanuts/Groun nuts 1/2 cup
Cashew nuts 1 fistful
Golden Raisins 1 fisful
Garlic 6 cloves(along with skin)
Curry leaves few
Turmeric powder 1/2 spoon
Chili powder 1 spoon
Oil for deep frying.


Cut potatoes into matchstick’s size thickeness.

Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Once it comes to smoky hot.

Deep fry potatos sticks in it. Maybe till it turns to golden color and crispy.

Leave them over kitchen tissues for a while.

In the same oil, deep fry rice flakes till crispy. Leave tehm on napkins as well.

Deep fry one by one….peanuts, saboodana, cashews, garlic and curry leaves.

Bring all the fried items in a bowl. Sprinle salt, turmeric and chili powders. Mix well.

Serve as savory dish with evenning


2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Namba Agarwal sweets gnabagama? Can you make that ‘famous Fruit Halwa’ of Vellore as well? I am looking forward to it.


  2. Malar Gandhi says:

    Yes dear, remember the day…I bought this mixture…..after our inter-school painting competition! I was crying way back….I got 2nd prize! We bought Fruit Halwa and this Dilkush Mixture!

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