The Biriyani – A Meal To Remember
- 27
- March
- 2022

Biriyani – Spiced Rice with meat dish. Which is a multinational phenomenon. Biriyani is an ever-growing set of memes and the focus of a culinary cult! The most memorable meals are not mostly about just – “food”! It’s a sentiment in fact. We East Asians (collectively speaking – Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis…) spend hours, sometimes even […]
Parotta & Korma – My Great Escape
- 24
- October
- 2021

Visiting my Mom-land like a total stranger…is what I did recently! Out of blue…one deadly night, I had to go n fix few things at my place. Well…”My Place” is yet another debatable choice of words!Hmmmm, (Sigh) Mystic me!! On the flip side, I did not know…how much I was starving for people. I made […]
For The Love Of Biriyani
- 10
- April
- 2017

Biriyani is the only Special Dish that certainly puts everyone in celebration mood! The flavors gathered from different spices brings forth the primal gratification. When you have to treat your significant someone, Biriyani is the only choice. And, if he/she happens to be a hardcore Biriyani lover…I bet, its gonna be ecstasy. When it comes […]

Its not one of those pretty sunny days, here at Carolina and an immense rain cloud hovering up…so dark and gloomy. And, I’ve not gained my lost mojo for blogging, yet. Hmmmm, lemme give it a quick whirl! Nothing much to do on a day like this, you see!! Just grab a tall mug of […]

Some of my all-time favorites remain, This and most certainly, That. But this recipe is a definite keeper in my secret vault of pleasurable indulgences. No doubt, the nutritional qualities of meat just excel all else, but don’t let convince you to try this out. After all, everyone needs to indulge once in a while, even if […]
Mutton Spinach Barley Soup – Secret To Happiness
- 11
- January
- 2015

Happiness Number – 1 What makes you a very happy person? Lemme tell ya…the secret to my happiness is…to pull the legs of my loved ones…to give prank calls…name a ‘dish’ after me …try to decipher the meaning behind the word ‘Special Saadha Dosa’! Actually…this sounds more like my bucket list rather than ‘Happiness Check List’!! […]

Spending dreadful days during this cold season in a small town with no much activity around, can do weird things to one’s phyche. In fact, my 2015 resolution is to stop day dreaming and to wake up to the reality. Yeah, I have been going through a lot of self analysis these days. And, am convinced that I was born […]
Mutton-Potato Korma – The Predictable Platter
- 30
- July
- 2014

I have got this weird idea of pairing the meat with whatever vegetables I come across! My hands can never repeat the item I have experimented, twice in a row!! So, there is no predictability in my kitchen! Absolutely…off the hook!!! However, there are some occasions, I go by the plan, you see! Do, follow […]
Kashmiri Rogan Josh – Rich and Dreamy Dish
- 27
- December
- 2013

The creamy rich Rogan Josh is an ultimate comfort food. I love curling up on the couch with a hot bowl of dinner. And, the leftovers are great for the next day’s lunch. Slow cooking the meat until tender is one of my favorite method of preparing them. If you are in a hurry, you […]

Meat-Green Onions Soup: Other Names: Goat’s meat and Spring onions Soup. Iraichi-Vengaya thaal Soup. Ingredients: Meat with bones 1/4 kiloSpring onions 1 large bunchRed onions 1 medium slicedGinger 1″ gratedGarlic 2 cloves minced (use 7-10 pods, if you like)Soy sauce 1 tablespoonWhite pepper powder 1-2 spoonsOil few spoons. Method: Cook mutton till tender in a […]
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